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WHEN: At your convenience
WHERE: Online – FEMA’s Independent Study initiative
WHAT: All federal, state, local, tribal, private sector and non-governmental personnel with a direct role in emergency management and response must be NIMS- and ICS-trained. This includes all emergency services-related disciplines such as EMS, hospitals, public health, fire service, law enforcement, public works/utilities, skilled support personnel, and other emergency management response, support and volunteer personnel.


Entry Level: IS-700.a and IS-100.a
First Line: Single Resource, Field Supervisors: IS-700.a, IS-100.a and IS-200.a
Middle Management: Strike Team Leaders, Division Supervisors: IS-700.a, IS-100.a, IS-200.a and IS-300
Command and General Staff, Area Emergency and EOC Managers: IS-700.a, IS-100.a, IS-200.a, IS-300 and IS-400




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